Transmisora Eléctrica del Sur 2
Transmisora Eléctrica del Sur 2 S.A.C is the concessionary company, since 2015, for the design, financing, construction, operation and maintenance of the 220 kV Azángaro-Juliaca-Puno transmission line, which consists of 115 km of circuit and is scheduled for commercial operation in 2018.
This line will reinforce, with its increased capacity, the 138 kV transmission system currently in operation in the area for the benefit of the population and economic activity.

Transmission lines
- 220 kV Pumiri - San Román line: The line starts at the Pumiri 220 kV substation and ends at the San Román 220 kV substation, both located in the department of Puno. It passes through the districts of Azángaro, Santiago de Pupuja, Arapa, Achaya, Caminaca, Juliaca and Caracoto, in the provinces of Azángaro and San Román.
- 220 kV San Román-Puno line: The line starts at the San Román 220 kV substation and ends at the Puno substation, both located in the department of Puno, and passes through the districts of Caracoto, Huata, Paucarcolla, Atuncolla, and Puno, in the provinces of San Román and Puno.
- 138 kV Pumiri - Azángaro line: The line starts at the Pumiri 138 kV substation and ends at the existing Azángaro substation, both located in the Puno region, Azángaro province, near the town of Azángaro.
- 138 kV San Román - L/Puno- Juliaca line: The line starts at support no. 18 of the existing 138 kV Puno-Juliaca line and ends at the San Román substation. The entire route is located in the Puno region of San Román province, near the city of Juliaca.
- Puno 220 kV substation: The busbar configuration for this substation is defined by the requirements of the COES for existing installations, and since it is an installation in the Regional Backbone Transmission System, it has a double busbar arrangement with transfer disconnector. All of the bays (Moquegua line and Auto-transformer) of REDESUR, will have this configuration as soon as the reconfiguration that REDESUR must carry out in the substation has been completed.
- San Román 220/138 kV substation: The San Román 220 kV substation belongs to the Peruvian regional backbone transmission system, so the requirements in terms of reliability, flexibility, and security are high because it will interconnect hydraulic power stations, large towns, and large loads in the mining sector.
- Pumiri 220/138 kV substation: The Pumiri 220 kV substation belongs to the Peruvian regional backbone transmission system, so the requirements in terms of reliability, flexibility, and security are high because it will interconnect hydraulic power stations, large towns, and large loads in the mining sector.

Detailed Environmental Plan for the 220 kV Azángaro – Juliaca – Puno Transmission Line and Associated Substations
In accordance with Ministerial Resolution No. 223-2010-MEM/DM, Article 6 of Legislative Decree No. 1500, and OFICIO No. 0352-2023-MINEM/DGAAE, TRANSMISORA ELECTRICA DEL SUR 2 S.A.C. is pleased to make available to the general public the Detailed Environmental Plan (PAD) for the "220 kV Azángaro – Juliaca – Puno Transmission Line and Associated Substations." This plan has been developed to ensure compliance of undeclared components with current environmental obligations and regulations.
Project Location:
- Districts: Azángaro, Santiago de Pupuja, Arapa, Achaya, Caminaca, Pusi, Caracoto, Atuncolla, Paucarcolla, and Puno.
- Provinces: Azángaro, Puno, and San Román.
- Departments: Puno.
The Detailed Environmental Plan is open for public access and can be accessed at the General Directorate of Environmental Affairs for Electricity of the Ministry of Energy and Mines, the Regional Directorate of Energy and Mines of Puno, and the Provincial Municipalities of Azángaro, Puno and San Román.
The electronic version of the Detailed Environmental Plan can be accessed through the following web link under Register No. 3440495:

To provide your feedback, comments, or observations on the Detailed Environmental Plan, please download the Citizen Participation Form attached to this link:
Feedback, comments, or observations should be sent to the General Directorate of Environmental Affairs of Electricity of the Ministry of Energy and Mines via email at The deadline for submission is March 23, 2023.
Interested parties can request a copy of the Detailed Environmental Plan from the DGAAE of the MINEM in accordance with the Single Revised Text of Law No. 27806 on Transparency and Access to Public Information, approved by Supreme Decree No. 021-2019-JUS and Supreme Decree No. 164-2020-PCM.
Additionally, for any inquiries you can contact or call 975 540 912 from Monday to Friday, between 9:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m.