Submitted by diezub on
“Casitas” Project: A safe space to reinforce learning and socio-emotional skills in children

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Proyecto "Casitas"

Redinter in Peru, through the concessionaire Transmisora ​​Eléctrica del Sur 3 S.A.C (TESUR 3), inaugurated a children's training facility, as part of the “Casitas” project, in the "Buena Vista" Population Center located in the district of Sama- Las Yaras, Tacna. This program, aligned with our sustainability pillars, will provide academic and emotional counseling to children ages 6 to 12, with a special focus on improving their levels of reading comprehension, numerical skills, and development of social-emotional skills.

Through this collaborative initiative ODP Jesuitas del Perú (non-profit organization), we provide tools and support necessary to overcome challenges and build a better future for all.
