A toast was shared at the Redinter offices in Lima and Arequipa, for the visit of the group's president, Beatriz Corredor, in the company of Roberto García Merino (CEO of Redeia), Miryam Aguilar (Corporate Director of HR and Communications) and Juan Majada (General Director of the International Business).
The visiting group was able to see the facilities of our Socabaya substation in Arequipa, where they deepened the history of Redinter and its beginnings, allowing a space for integration and coexistence between collaborators, who narrated their years of experience within the organization. Likewise, they participated in an important meeting with the ESAN University, reaching agreements for a better development and management model between the professionals of the educational entity and Redeia.
In Lima, among the highlights, the growth of recent years, the expectations for the next corporate meeting and the objectives that the company will face for its 25th anniversary were highlighted.